Advanced Technology
Our advanced technology is not only about newer and better tools. It is about creating the type of experience and offering the quality of care our patients deserve. We are able to do this by reducing stress, increasing comfort, achieving long-term health, providing exciting options, educating effectively and working efficiently. The latest technology significantly improves our ability to attain this level of service. Let us change the way you think about dental treatment. Review the technological advancements we have implemented.
This is the only system for creating all-ceramic dental restorations in one office visit. You will be in and out in a single visit with a permanent, all ceramic crown, onlay, or veneer. With CEREC, you will have fewer injections, less drilling, and less time taken from your schedule for dentistry.
Most dental restorative methods require more than one visit to the dentist. On the first visit, patients typically receive an injection of anesthesia, a tooth prepared, an impression taken, and a temporary restoration put on the tooth. The second appointment is generally made for a couple of weeks later. At that time, the patient would get another injection, have the temporary removed, and have a permanent restoration placed. With CEREC, the procedure is accomplished in a single appointment. It is fast, accurate, and painless.
This computer allows us to create a new smile for our patients without ever touching their mouths. Patients can see exactly what they can expect from the doctor’s smile enhancement plan before it is actually performed.
With digital radiography, we take x-rays of your teeth with markedly less radiation to you than with a regular dental x-ray machine. Then we can store your x-rays on our computers and access them faster than ever before. Additionally, your images can be sent electronically to insurance companies, dramatically decreasing processing time and resulting in faster treatment.
With an intraoral camera, we can magnify your mouth and show you exactly what we’re talking about on a computer screen. This allows you to see for yourself the crack, the stain, the gap, and the receding gum line. You needn’t take only our word for it anymore.
Our patients have realized many benefits since we computerized and networked our treatment rooms. All intraoral and extraoral photography, patient records, written communication, and clinical information can be shared between the doctor and treatment areas instantly.
Making sure you get the right look, feel and function is the goal. The diagnostic wax-up model of your restored smile gives us a record of what you want so we begin the process with your results already known.
The model shows your new smile in its natural color and translucency. We also see how your new smile will improve any bite problems you may have. With the diagnostic model you are empowered to preview, give suggestions, make changes, and approve your personal “Smile Plan” before any procedures are begun. Not only can you see the excellent quality of the esthetic changes in your new smile, the model also gives you considerable assurances of feel and function.
Dr. Wilson and the hygiene team are proud to utilize dentistry’s latest technological advancement – laser periodontal therapy. In restorative and cosmetic dentistry we can contour and trim gum tissue easily and comfortably with almost no discomfort. Unlike removing tissue with a scalpel, a laser doesn’t cause bleeding or swelling. Having a comfortable post-operative experience is now the norm. The laser can be used in conjunction with root planing – deep cleaning around the teeth and root. This kills bacteria that causes periodontal disease. Ask any of our staff about the benefits of laser therapy.
The Diagnodent is a powerful new laser used for early detection and diagnosis of tooth decay. The Diagnodent also helps locate decay that may be hidden in the cracks and crevices of teeth. Early detection means less damage, pain, and hassle for you down the road. Please contact our practice today to learn more about the Diagnodent.
In this year alone approximately 48,330 people in the US will be diagnosed with oral cancer. When found early oral cancer has a very high survival rate, unfortunately most oral cancer is found as late stage cancer. Dr. Amy completes an oral cancer screening on every patient during their periodic exams. She completes a visual and hands on exam and can also use the Rembrandt oral cancer screening light which can detect oral cancer lesions earlier than with just visualization alone. Patients are encouraged to utilize this tool. Some insurances are covering the $40 fee for the Rembrandt light, however, even if yours does not, it is still a good idea to have the examination with the light and utilize yet another tool to identify a killer type of cancer.
Oral cancer screening is a routine part of a dental examination. Regular check-ups, including an examination of the entire mouth, are essential in the early detection of cancerous and pre-cancerous conditions. You may have a very small, but dangerous, oral spot or sore and not be aware of it. Dr. Amy’s visual exam , palpation and Rembrandt light use can help identify a cancer that starts with a survival rate in the ’80s when it’s found and plummets from there.
New Image Advanced Dental
Amy Wilson, DDS
417 University St., Suite #1
Trinidad, CO 81082
(719) 846-7387
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
7am - 3pm

(719) 846-7387
New Image Advanced Dental
Amy Wilson, DDS
417 University St., Suite #1
Trinidad, CO 81082